Business Tips / Lifestyle

To the Women Climbing the Corporate Ladder: Don’t Ignore These Signs

For ambitious women, it’s easy to move so fast—chasing the next goal, proving your worth, and pushing forward nonstop. I can relate because I’ve been on a fast track from corporate to entrepreneurship to management and could not see any end in sight until I was forced recently to slow down — because of a health issue.

Mind opener! And now, I’m sharing my journey with other women in similar paths.

If you are like me, in the journey to career domination, many of us forget to check in with ourselves—our health, our well-being, and our peace of mind.

The body always sends signals when it’s time to slow down.

The question is: Are you listening?

Ignoring these warnings can lead to burnout or even a full-blown health crisis—something too many of us have had to learn the hard way.

So before it gets to that point, here are three signs that your body is telling you to pause, reset, and take care of yourself:

1️⃣ Constant Fatigue – No matter how much you sleep, you wake up exhausted. Your body is running on fumes.

2️⃣ Frequent Headaches or Body Aches – Stress and tension show up physically. Pay attention to recurring pain.

3️⃣ Brain Fog & Forgetfulness – Struggling to focus or remember simple things? Your mind needs a break.

Take care of yourself now so you don’t have to recover later.

Your career matters, but so does your health. Prioritize rest, set boundaries, and listen to your body—it’s the only one you have.

What’s one way you prioritize your well-being while balancing your career?

Let’s talk more on social!

Hit me up at NicoleCommissiong on Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube, Threads and Facebook!