Everyone who knows me know that I do not sugarcoat or present façades of perfection and that I am very open and transparent in the ups and downs of life, work and relationships, business and personal.
Recently, a good friend and colleague took notice and decided to feature me and my husband in the Early Spring edition of her brand new lifestyle web magazine dedicated to couples.
Inside the March/April 2021 edition of MULA Life and Style magazine, you’ll find a feature about my husband and business partner Darnell Armstrong and me. It is told from the perspective of MULA co-founder LaKisa Taylor-Allston, a realtor and property manager friend, who I met a few years back when she ran a retail cupcakery inside the work, life and entertainment complex that houses my company, Dynamic Service Solutions.

I invite you to check out the piece titled “Love Can Be a Natural Disaster” which is a creative literary play on words and spin off of our committed work and service to clients in the disaster recovery and avoidance niche of government contracting.
Oh yeah, the issue is dedicated to the Alpha female and her soft side. That’s so me!
Check out the piece HERE! I hope you enjoyed it and tell me what you think after you read it!