
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Building Confidence as a Female Entrepreneur or Executive

Imposter syndrome is a common phenomenon that affects many women in business.

It’s the feeling that you’re not good enough or qualified enough for your role, despite evidence to the contrary. This can cause self-doubt and anxiety, which can hold you back from achieving your goals. 

I’ve suffered from it for sure. I would second guess my contributions in meetings and hold back. I would stifle my voice and the volume because I didn’t want to fulfil any negative perception or stereotype.

It took me a while to decide to show up as my authentic self and show up unapologetically me! 

If you’re struggling with imposter syndrome, here are some tips for building confidence and overcoming self-doubt.
  1. Recognize that you’re not alone. Many successful women have experienced imposter syndrome at some point in their careers. Understand that this feeling is normal, but it certainly does not mean that you’re not good at what you do.
  1. Identify your strengths. Take some time to reflect on your accomplishments and the skills that have helped you succeed. Make a list of your strengths and refer to it whenever you need a confidence boost.
  1. Stop comparing yourself to others. I get it! I do it! We all do! It’s quite easy to feel like you don’t measure up when you’re constantly comparing yourself to others. Instead, focus on your own goals and progress. When you do this, you really have little time to worry about what’s going on with others.
  1. Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself and treat yourself like you would treat a friend. Acknowledge your mistakes and shortcomings, but don’t beat yourself up over them. Being kind to yourself is a form of self-care.
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  1. Take risks and embrace failure as a way to beat imposter Syndrome. Failure is a natural part of the learning process, and it’s essential for growth. Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back from pursuing your goals. We really should recognize all the lessons we learn from failure and then take them and power on, upward and onward!
  1. Surround yourself with supportive people. Seek out mentors, colleagues, and friends who will encourage and support you. Avoid people who bring you down or make you doubt yourself. We all have those friends that knowingly or unknowingly sow seeds of doubt in your brain. Figure out who they are and stop sharing your goals with them.
  1. Get comfortable with discomfort. Stepping outside your comfort zone can be scary, but it’s necessary for growth. Embrace the discomfort and challenge yourself to take on new experiences and opportunities.
  1. Practice self-care. Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential for building confidence and resilience. Make time for exercise, relaxation, and activities that bring you joy. Self-care is talked about all the time but it doesn’t have to be a trip to the spa but can be something simple such as sleeping more and taking time off from work to do nothing.

Remember, building confidence and overcoming imposter syndrome takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. You are capable of achieving great things, and you deserve to believe in yourself.

